Dr. Susan Kennard

Dr. Susan Kennard heard the call of God as a young girl. She believes in the power of prayer and is convinced that more things are accomplished through prayer than this world has ever imagined.

As an intercessor, Susan acknowledged and accepted God’s calling on her life to bring revival worldwide. From her youth, she experienced the supernatural wonders of God. Thousands have been born again; many received miraculous healings from diverse infirmities. Those suffering from demonic bondages and curses received freedom. Even the dead has been raised back to life through the power of God. Many overcame drug and alcohol addictions, experiencing transformation in Christ. Countless others found a new purpose in their lives and experienced God in unique ways. Susan carries a deep burden to release women from their life’s struggles: She seeks to aid them in experiencing a transformation in Christ.

Dr. Kennard has held many revivals in the Caribbean, the United States, and Canada: New churches were established from these revivals. She has also served as an itinerant Evangelist, Hospice chaplain, and College Professor.

She is currently the senior pastor - and founder - of the Healing Center Family Church (HCFC) in Queens, New York. She has earned a Masters of Divinity Degree, a Masters of Biblical Literature Degree, and a Doctorate Degree in Church Leadership from Oral Roberts University.

Revivalist / Pastor